Questions About PTO
What is PTO membership?
The number one reason to join our not-for-profit Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to benefit your child. Everyone is invited to join - parents, grandparents, teachers and community members who are invested in enriching the lives of students.
What does the PTO do?
We host fun family events - including an ice cream social, fall festival carnival, art walk, science fair and book fair - and sponsor in-school activities such as live theater field trips, candy grams and field day.
We support our teachers with classroom volunteers, supplies and appreciation events, and help the school acquire equipment, programs and services that benefit our students.
Why should I join?
More than 30 years of research shows that students do better when their families are involved at school. Grades are higher, test scores rise, self-esteem grows and schools improve. By joining the PTO, you reinforce in your child’s mind the value of education.
How much does it cost?
Annual membership dues are $15 per family. As a PTO member you have a voice and a vote at our monthly PTO general membership meetings. (See calendar for the next meeting date.)
How do I join?
Simply fill out and return the Membership Form along with membership dues to the front office or sign up and pay online (at top of this page). Congratulations! You’re in!
Do I have to attend meetings?
Becoming a member of the PTO does not require you to commit to attending every meeting. We truly value your input and involvement in decision-making, and we would love for you to join us whenever your schedule allows. Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month in the board room, and children are welcome to read or play quietly in the library during the meeting. Your presence, even if it’s just occasionally, can make a difference!
How do my dues support our school?
Our budget is supported through membership dues, community sponsorships and fundraisers. Historically, this has allowed us to offer many programs and services, such as:
- Providing supply funds for teachers
- Covering bus transportation costs for all field trips
- Funding the arts ~ such as our school theater program and Olympia Junior Programs transportation
- Hosting free student & family activities
- School community events ~ Arts Walk, Science Fair, Field Day and more!
Yes! Whether it’s chaperoning field trips, helping in the classroom, or supervising student events, there is something for everyone. Many volunteers also work on projects from home or send in food and supplies for special events.
How do I volunteer?
Volunteer background check forms are available in the front office. A new form must be submitted each year. Once you become a member you will be notified by email about upcoming volunteer needs.
Still have questions, please contact us at